About the Author

Michael Kundu

Michael J. Kundu was born in London, Great Britain, in 1969 to an Indian father and a German mother. He has lived in various places in Europe. His love for reading has prompted him to write this book giving this crime novel more than an edge of mystery and suspense, but also a contemporary perspective on life.

He has a great passion for learning languages and travelling across the globe. He enjoys spending time with his family and lives in Luxembourg with his Italian wife and two teenage children.

Michael’s multinational background, coupled with his marriage to someone of a different nationality, has endowed him with a wealth of diverse experiences. Having traversed the globe, speaking multiple languages and immersing himself in various cultures, the profound value of each individual has become a cornerstone of his worldview. These multicultural encounters have not only fostered a deep appreciation for the uniqueness of every person but have also instilled in him a commitment to promoting mutual respect, free from the shackles of prejudice related to color or religion. In composing this book, these experiences have permeated not only this narrative …but also the forthcoming sequel.